Judges for our Britain competition

James Trewby, Coordinator of Columban Justice, Peace and Ecology Team.

Fr Ed O'Connell, Columban priest who spent most of his missionary life in Peru, accompanying the development of Christian communities and empowering youth and women in their leadership roles in civil society.

Josephine Siedlecka, Founder and Editor of Independent Catholic News.

Ruth Gledhill, Multi-Media Editor at The Tablet. Before that she was the Religion Affairs correspondent for The Times.

Andrea Speranza, CAFOD Campaigns Engagement Manager. She leads on the campaign, 'Fix the Food System'.

A group of people with lived experiences of Migration from Hope Garden in Birmingham.
Assisted by Ellen Teague, Emma Darling, Fr Kevin McDonagh, Fr Joe Ryan, Jane Lavery and Abi Yendole.