Schools Media Competition 2025

The Columbans are looking for students in Britain and Ireland (aged 13-18 inclusive) to submit an original piece of writing or an original image on the theme:

Deadline for entries is 7 February 2025.

Announcement of winners on 10 March 2025.

In 2025, the Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee year, with the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope.' It will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, global debt, people forced to flee from their homes and climate/biodiversity crises. Jubilee is a special year, addressing injustices, bringing justice and peace to poor and marginalised people and reconciling with the natural world.

Young people are invited to highlight one community or group bringing hope in the world today, locally, nationally or globally. This might be one they are part of or one that inspires them. The community/group chosen should act in some way for the common good, for example responding to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the poor (Laudato Si' #49).

Questions to consider:

What did a Jubilee Year mean in biblical times?
What could it mean today?
How can people be pilgrims of hope in today's world?
Consider communities or groups that you see as "pilgrims of hope."
How are they doing this?

See the following pages:

Information on the Theme

Celebrating Jubilee

Columban Projects

Inspirational Communities

If you have questions, see our Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch with us at

Don't miss this chance to make your mark!

Two separate competitions will be held, one for students in Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and one in Ireland; each has two categories: Writing and Image.

The winning entries will be published in the Far East magazine, Vocation For Justice newsletter, online on Columban websites in Ireland and Britain, shared on Columban social media, and published in other Catholic media. Winners will be invited to take part in a Columban Jubilee pilgrimage.